A (3) | C (2) | D (3) | E (2) | F (1) | I (3) | K (4) | L (3) | O (2) | P (5) | Q (4) | R (2) | S (3) | T (1) | U (3) | V (1)
KM activities

KM activities in global health seek to collect knowledge, to connect people to the knowledge they need, and to facilitate learning before, during, and after program implementation (Milton 2005). KM activities in global health can be classified into four categories: (1) products and services; (2) publications and resources; (3) training and events; and (4) approaches and techniques.

KM outputs

Tools for sharing knowledge, within the organization and/or with the clients. In this guide a wide range of outputs are identified and categorized into the four areas below.
Products and services (e.g., websites, mobile applications, applied technologies, resource centers)
Publications and resources (e.g., policy briefs, journal articles, project reports)
Training and events (e.g., workshops, seminars, mentoring sessions)
Approaches and techniques (e.g., reviews, reporting, communities of practice)


Knowledge is ultimately derived from data and information and acquired by a person through experience

Knowledge Management (KM)

A complex, non-linear process that relies on good processes, appropriate technology, and, most importantly, people who have the capacity and motivation to share knowledge (Milton 2005).