- KM General Subcategory:
- User Satisfaction
Logic Model Component:
Count, proportion, qualitative
Measures an intended user’s overall satisfaction with a KM output
This indicator measures an intended user’s overall satisfaction with a KM output.
The classification of “satisfied” indicates that the output met the intended user’s needs and expectations. It is related to the user’s perception of the relevance and value of the content as well as to the manner in which that content is delivered and presented.
Quantitative data from self-reported information from intended users. Satisfaction can be gauged on a scale, such as a Likert scale, that asks users to rate various attributes of the KM output.
Qualitative data from interviews and focus group discussions.
Feedback forms (digital or print) and user surveys (print, online, email, or telephone).
Interviews and focus groups discussions can capture further qualitative information.
Satisfaction is an overall psychological state that includes emotional, cognitive, affective (like/dislike), and behavioral responses to certain characteristics or to the output as a whole (Smith, 2012; Sullivan et al., 2007).
Satisfaction with a KM output is an important predictor of user behavior. If users find the KM output satisfactory, it is likely that they will use the content and possibly change or adopt a new behavior, or make a different decision as a result of that content. In data collection instruments, the question about general satisfaction can be asked before more specific questions regarding aspects of usability and relevance.
Please rate the following statements about the [Web product] layout and design:
(1-Strongly disagree, 2- Disagree, 3-Not sure, 4-Agree, 5-Strongly agree)
o The home page makes me want to explore it further.The layout and design is clear and visually appealing.
o It is easy to navigate through the different sections.
o I am able to find the information I am looking for.
o Screens/pages have too much information.
o Screens/pages have too little information.
o It is as easy or easier to find the information I am looking for, compared to finding the same information in other online resources (e.g., database, website, etc.).
o It is as easy or easier to find the information I am looking for, compared to finding the same information in print resources (e.g., books, journals, etc.).
A 2017 paper evaluating MSH's internal Technical Exchange Networks (TENs) stated that satisfaction with the communities of practice increased between 2015 and 2017. Specifically, satisfaction with the frequency of posts and discussions increased from a rating of 3.38 to 3.85 after implementing targeted changes to improve the user experience. Other indicators of satisfaction also improved including credibility and trustworthiness of content (+0.29) and quality of content shared through the TENs (+0.21).
Published Year:
- 2013
Wednesday, September 6, 2017