User rating of usability of KM output

Indicator Number: 


Logic Model Component: 

Data Type(s): 
Categorical scale, qualitative
Short Definition: 
Measures user attitudes toward and satisfaction with the format, presentation, navigation, searchability, and delivery of a KM output
Definition and Explanation (Long): 
This indicator measures user attitudes toward and satisfaction with the usability of a KM output. “Usability” covers a wide range of characteristics, such as the format, presentation, navigation, and searchability, and delivery of a KM output. The terms “format” and “presentation” refer to the way design elements, content, and messages are laid out and organized. The term “format” refers more to technical and structural elements, while “presentation” refers more to the aesthetics. The user’s assessment of format and presentation influences an overall perception of usability. With web-based products, usability also includes navigation and the user interface.
Data Requirements: 
Quantitative data such as ratings can be collected using a scale, such as a Likert scale, to gauge reactions to statements related to writing style, design features, organization of the information, ease of finding information, appearance, and other aspects. Qualitative data can provide greater insight into user experience, attitudes, and preferences.
Data Sources: 
Feedback forms or user surveys distributed with the KM output or after a KM output has been disseminated; interviews; focus group discussions; usability assessments
Frequency of Data Collection: 
This indicator provides important information about whether intended users find a KM output to be usable, practical, logical, and appealing. The indicator also encompasses whether the organization or search functions of a KM output enable users to quickly find the information they want.
Issues and Challenges: 
To assess usability, it is helpful to conduct user surveys several months after a product or service has been disseminated, so that users have had time to use the product. For web-based products, accessibility and connectivity are important aspects of usability. To serve the broadest range of technological capacity, products delivered via the internet should consider designing the digital space (website or web page) for those who have low bandwidth by, for example, limiting the use of large graphical elements. Data collection instruments should address the loading times of web pages and downloads.
Sample Topics and Questions for Data Collection Instruments: 
Please rate the following statements about the [Web product] layout and design: (1-Strongly disagree, 2- Disagree, 3-Not sure, 4-Agree, 5-Strongly agree) o The home page makes me want to explore it further. o The layout and design is clear and visually appealing. o It is easy to navigate through the different sections. o I am able to find the information I am looking for. o Screens/pages have too much information. o Screens/pages have too little information. o It is as easy or easier to find the information I am looking for, compared to finding the same information in other online resources (e.g., database, website, etc.). o It is as easy or easier to find the information I am looking for, compared to finding the same information in print resources (e.g., books, journals, etc.).
Indicator Snapshots: 
K4Health conducted an interactive usability assessment of its website with 23 participants in order to examine how K4Health users would interact with the website and improve the user interface in the new design. Each participant was given a number of tasks and were observed by an interviewer/facilitator. The participants who browsed the site had a better completion rate of locating the particular resource material specified in one of the tasks compared to those who used the search box. Therefore, improving the search function and the relevancy of search results has become a priority area identified by the website team designing a new website.
Pages in the Guide: 

Published Year: 

  • 2013
Last Updated Date: 
Wednesday, September 6, 2017