Percentage of teams or subgroups that group members have used in a given time period

Indicator Number: 


Logic Model Component: 

Data Type(s): 
Short Definition: 
Measures the use of diverse (or heterogeneous) social connections
Definition and Explanation (Long): 
This indicator measures engagement in diverse subgroup memberships, such as a department, working group, committee, community of practice, or Facebook group, and focuses on the use or value of diverse connections.
Data Requirements: 
Self-reported quantitative data; self-reported qualitative data. Typically, the denominator would be a group member's total number of team or subgroup memberships (the numerator from indicator 74), and the numerator would be the number of those functional teams or subgroup memberships in which the group member is engaged.
Data Sources: 
Surveys; focus groups or other qualitative data for exploration and validation
Frequency of Data Collection: 
Quarterly, semiannually, or after specific activities
Connection diversity, or heterogeneity, supports the flow of knowledge through networks. The aim of this indicator is to understand how many different functional teams or other types of subgroups each group member is engaged in, and the average level of use of these connections by the network/organization/group as a whole.
Issues and Challenges: 
This indicator requires users to define the group of interest—such as an entire organization, a department or other functional team, a community of practice, or Facebook group—as well as any subgroups. For example, an entire organization may be defined as group, with departments, committees, internal communities of practice, or roles as subgroups. Users will also need to define “knowledge” and "engagement", in their particular context, as well as an appropriate time period, usually monthly or quarterly, for knowledge-sharing activities.

Published Year: 

  • 2017
Last Updated Date: 
Wednesday, December 13, 2017