Percentage of target staff reporting an improvement in capacity to use adaptive practices

Indicator Number: 


Logic Model Component: 

Data Type(s): 
Short Definition: 
Refers to the percentage of target staff reporting an improvement in capacity (knowledge, skills, or abilities) to use adaptive practices
Definition and Explanation (Long): 
This indicator refers to the percentage of target staff reporting an improvement in capacity (knowledge, skills, or abilities) to use adaptive practices for the management of a project, program, or initiative as a results of participating in training or other activities aimed at building capacity in adaptive management. Target staff may include partners. Self-reporting, pre- and post-evaluations, or follow-up surveys should be conducted to determine the extent to which there was an improvement in awareness, understanding, or capacity in iterative approaches to learning and adapting.
Data Requirements: 
Quantitative data from pre- and post-tests using survey questions and Likert scales to determine capacity to use adaptive practices and follow-up assessments at three and/or six months to determine knowledge retention; qualitative data can provide greater insight into target user capacity
Data Sources: 
Pre- and post-tests, follow-up surveys
Frequency of Data Collection: 
Quarterly, semiannually, or after specific activities
This indicator can be used to monitor changes in capacity (awareness, knowledge, and skills) in adaptive practices over time (before training/activity and after training/activity). It is a simple way to establish a foundation of staff trained in programmatic flexibility and change.
Issues and Challenges: 
Although a project, program, or initiative may include adaptive management approaches in their work plan, it does not necessarily reflect the use of those sessions in decision making. Self-reported data may be biased and may not empirically represent the context or practice.

Published Year: 

  • 2017
Last Updated Date: 
Wednesday, December 13, 2017