- KM General Subcategory:
- Learning (Awareness, Attitude, Intention)
Logic Model Component:
Count, proportion, qualitative
Measures the extent to which intended users can accurately recall the health information, lessons, and guidance offered by a KM output
This indicator measures the extent to which members of intended audiences recall/remember health information, lessons, and guidance offered by a KM output and can recall the information or concepts accurately.
Pre- and post-assessment data on knowledge about a particular subject matter; self-report surveys, which are most useful when conducted after the knowledge/information has been available for some time; anecdotal reports from intended users
Pre- and post-assessment instruments on selected subject matter, such as multiple-choice or true/false knowledge quizzes or tests; feedback forms or audience surveys distributed with the KM output or after its dissemination or promotion; in-depth interviews (telephone or in-person)
Annually, or baseline/endline
Correctly recalling/remembering information suggests that a person paid enough attention to it to be able to remember it accurately later and/or it was presented in an appropriate way for learning and retention. Correct recall of information can be associated with effective knowledge development. It indicates an understanding of the knowledge or innovation, which may lead to better or more innovative application (Carneiro, 2000).
As with Indicator 35, to obtain sufficient information, yes/no questions should be followed up with an open-ended request for respondents to provide specifics.
Published Year:
- 2013
Wednesday, September 6, 2017